Being a news consumer is brutal. Just think about the options you encounter:

  • Social Media algorithms feed you endless amounts of trash, sensational hot takes, and meaningless gossip.

  • News apps provide a mildly improved experience consuming the same stuff you see on social media.

  • Any one news brand is at best going to give you an incomplete and skewed perspective.

The mainstream media dominates market-share, but is so out-of-touch that very few trust them anymore — they’ve become so excessive in their bias and their breathless coverage of meaningless narratives will make anyone cringe.

Meanwhile, conservative media fails to be the needed voice of reason — There is too much unserious hysteria, commentary no one needs, and too many influencers more concerned with growing a following than reporting the news.

Lots of brands have popped up promising to fix the problem. But you don’t need more news - too much news is already the problem.

Give us $1 a month, and we'll sift through the media for you and send you the 6-10 most interesting stories and conversations polished and packaged to give you the context you need to understand what is happening from a conservative perspective.

  • We strive to get straight to the point of why stories matter with blunt language. If you want to read more, we’ll show you where to go, but we want to make sure you understand what’s going on.

If you think a better experience reading reasonable, conservative news is worth $001 per month - less than a bottle of water - join us. If you find at any time that you don’t like it, just unsubscribe.

We’ve led the growth of a couple startup media companies like IJReview and Axios, and we’ve had enough experience along the way to understand there’s an audience that’s being ignored: Rational conservatives who want the news and want to decide for themselves how they feel about it.

And we can ask for way less of your attention and money than any media company does because we're a way leaner operation that isn’t answering to a bloated newsroom or appeasing investors.

What’s there to lose by subscribing? $001.

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